DJ Jubril B
You can now place adverts onto this Videos/Adverts Page
by either calling or texting or WhatsApp: +44(0)7850683017 +44(0)7847113441
And you can also email:
Adverts that are acceptable for this page are Business Cards, Logo’s, Posters and Flyers, which to advertise on this page is £150 per year and this consists of Advert Fees £10 per month x 12 months = £120 and Admin Fees of £30
Advert Videos are also accepted to advertise on this page which is £180 per year and this consists of Advert Video Fees £10 per month x 12 months = £120 and Admin Fees of £60
I make beautifully designed Business Cards @ £250 for 500, I design Logo’s @ £20 and I also design Posters and Flyers in JPEG & PDF @ £50, email:
You can view my videos and Adverts on this page and also on my YouTube Channels: Jubril3, JubrilB1 and also: Jubril Balogun